T-Break 101: How Taking a Tolerance Break Can Enhance Your Cannabis Use

Are you a true cannabis consumer if you haven’t considered a “T-Break?” A T-break, or tolerance break, is a period of stepping away from using THC products to reset both the physical and mental effects of cannabis. Increased cannabis use—whether in frequency, amount, or both—can lead some heavy users to want to cut back. Studies have shown that excessive or increased cannabis use renders a tangible difference in effects on the consumer, decreasing intoxication levels and positive feelings, including elevated mood or stress relief, associated with cannabis intake.

How does a T-Break work?

Many take a T-Break in hopes of needing less cannabis per session to feel the desired effects. The main goal of a T-Break is to restore cannabinoids’ initial impact, allowing the body to respond as it once did at the beginning of use. During this break, CB1 receptors in the brain and body recover, so that cannabis will again have a stronger effect once the break is over.

A quick online search renders a few straightforward recommendations for how to take a T-Break or even how to cleanse your lungs after a long stretch of smoking. When it comes to T-Breaks, there’s nothing to it but to do it as far as the actual process goes. Essentially, there is no particular instruction for how to execute a T-break other than simply stopping cannabis intake. Creating a plan of action such as finding new hobbies, like exercising, to fill the time you would spend smoking or otherwise consuming cannabis is a good place to start.

How long should my T-Break Last?

The length of your T-Break is a personal choice. To be effective, suggestions for the duration of a beneficial T-Break vary, but some sources advise working on a two-week range and trying to stretch it toward a 30-day mark for a full THC flush from your system. 

The University of Vermont has kindly crafted a T-Break guide that offers a step-by-step 21-day plan for taking a meaningful tolerance break, keeping in mind the difficulties that often deter heavy cannabis consumers from giving a hiatus a try. If three weeks seems daunting, a T-Break that lasts even a few days can create a fairly noticeable impact on how the body responds to cannabis consumption. 

Some common issues that come at the start of T-Breaks are withdrawal symptoms, which are prevalent in 47% of persistent cannabis users. Namely, trouble sleeping, irritability, or loss of appetite due to a dependency on cannabis to aid in these areas. It has also been reported that women tend to experience these negative effects more frequently than men. These discomforts tend to subside within the first week or two of the T-Break.

How can I cleanse my lungs on a T-Break?

Tolerance improvement is one motivation for taking a T-Break, but some users want the added benefit of giving their lungs a cleaning overhaul. While there are no specific products for cleaning your lungs of residue from frequent cannabis use, there are some remedies that frequent smokers swear by. Mullein tea is a coveted herbal remedy amongst smokers because it is healing for the respiratory system and known to be an expectorant, which means it loosens phlegm from the lungs and allows consumers to release mucus buildup. Mullein tea also helps to reduce inflammation in the lungs, often caused by smoking. 

Other ways to promote your lung health during a T-Break include using thyme and eucalyptus. Both are recommended as essential oils for inhalation, as they can help relieve lung congestion and enhance overall health. It's important to note that while thyme leaves can be consumed as tea, eucalyptus should only be inhaled to experience its soothing effects.


Tolerance breaks offer frequent cannabis consumers a valuable opportunity to reset their bodies and revitalize their relationship with THC. T-Breaks can enhance the effects of cannabis, improve future consumption experiences, and promote lung health. Like anything else, too much of a good thing may require a pause to help us rediscover and enjoy it as intended–T-Breaks are a great way to remember why you fell in love with cannabis in the first place. 

Nurit Raphael